Thursday, November 25, 2010

Safety in the Cold Weather

The temperatures have dropped to single digits. Need to keep those pets inside or well insulated if they have to be outside.  Be sure they have plenty of water (needs to be heated if outdoors) for good hydration.  This is serious in cold temperatures.  Also, a warm, insulated place to get out of the wind and weather.  A dog's ears can quickly become frost-bitten and they can suffer hypothermia just like humans. 

Jager is ok with the weather.  He runs out like it's nothing to be in 6degrees.  Rosco on the other hand feels the arctic blast when the door opens and he looks at me with a face that says, "No Thanks.  I'll just "go" in here today."  At which time he receives the stern look with a stern "GO".  He can moves so unbelievably slow when he wants to.  Coop does what he needs to do, and doesn't complain too much.

So take care of your kitties and dogs!  They need special attention in these c-c-c-old times.  Stay Warm!

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