Thursday, November 18, 2010

Dog-Person or Cat-Person?

A friend of my husband's came over the other day to help him with a small project and his wife came along.  I had been sick all day, so wasn't much company as I lounged on the couch in my sweats (it was the best I could manage since I didn't want to be seen in my PJ's at 4 in the afternoon).  I noticed when our boys greeted her she didn't pet them or seemed too thrilled.  I (being so amazingly astute) quickly deduced, "not a dog-person". 

If I had gone into a home, even of people I didn't really know, and they had 3 dogs circling me and vying for my attention, I would have dropped to the floor and hugged them all at once!  A "dog-person" gets this. I have discussed this with my friends, they agree: Non-dog-persons are a little, shall we say, odd?  I mean, who could not LOVE something that greets you every day with a face saying "I love you, I love you, I love you!  I am so happy to see you!  I want to be with you! I want to play and snuggle and kiss you!"  Seriously?  Isn't that what everyone wants?  (Yeah, OK, maybe not the "kiss" part.  I am not overly partial to dog kisses.  I know what other things they think are "kissable" and I don't particularly need them to share that with me)  BUT, I do know that when I come home and get surrounded by barks, bays, yips, and a general grappling for MY attention, I have been missed, and I am loved! 

Roscoe acts as though I were his most beloved, lost in the Sahara Desert with no water, no food, and miraculously returned to him each and every day.  He is so excited to see me I think, if he could, he would cry upon my arrival.  The baying gets higher pitched and the dancing more aggressive the longer it takes me to set down my purse and say, "hello!"  I think Cooper and Jager just see it as yet another competition.  They love to knock Ross out of the running by pushing him aside. (No small trick even though he has lost a few pounds)  With only 2 hands, I have to pet one with my forearms as I pet the other two with my hands.  Seems they know the difference and are constantly "stealing" my hands. (This is when you are petting one and the other comes and nudges your hand with his nose until your hand is on HIS head instead).  They are quite adept at this maneuver and I am in awe of the way they all three can do it so effectively.  I once saw Roscoe place his head under my sleeping husband's hand.  He then moved his head side to side and effectively received a pat on the head.  They are clever.

So, really, if you don't want or enjoy this kind of adoration you just are not a dog-person.  (I believe they call you a "cat-person"!)  Don't get your nose bent out of shape.  I love my cat, too.  In fact, years ago, I may have been considered a cat-person by people who didn't know me that well.  I'm pretty reserved as a rule and like my quiet time.  I am not always thrilled at getting slimed by the affectionate drooling of overly eager dog-lips.  My cat, Rizzo, on the other hand.... DEFINITELY A CAT-PERSON!  He is not in the least bit amused by the dogs, their barks, drool, rough-housing, or their interest in him. 

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