Saturday, April 16, 2011


Spring is here (mixed with some leftover winter... but it's here.) and the dogs seem to know it.  They enjoy hanging around the back yard, terrorizing the neighbors out doing their cleanup chores.  Very helpful.  We have a wonderful new neighbor who is kind enough to say they don't bother her.  Not sure she means it, but it's awfully nice of her.  She has a beautiful big, fluffy dog as well, so perhaps kindred spirits??

Roscoe has done well to keep a few pounds off thru the winter, even though we switched him back to the UN-diet dog food. (pinching pennies)  He looks really "svelte" although my sons are constantly using the "f-word" (F-A-T...  What did you think I meant???)  I think he's quite handsome and you can tell he feels better too.  Frisky, bouncy; we've even caught him playing chase games with Jaeger!!

Cooper still has the short-man-syndrome and his hackles raise every time a stranger is near.  He sounds so ferocious for such a small guy.  I should not say "small".  He weighs over 50lbs and is every bit as long (or longer) than Jaeger is!  He's such a sweet boy, however; every morning he has to wait to go outside to get a hug from me.  It's been our "thing" since he was a puppy and I would sit and hug him before I left for work in the morning.  It was my time to pray over him.... "Lord, help Cooper not to pee on the floor today! Let him be a good dog and a responsible dog. Amen."  It worked-eventually.  He is a very nice young dog who does NOT pee on the floor.  He always comes to get someone and is very vocal about needing to go out. (not so much the case with Roscoe... "It's raining???  I'll just use the floor today, thank you!"...

Jaeger is a darling boy as well.  He is so well behaved and minds quite well.  I hope he will be a good hunter (hello... his name IS Jaeger.... "Hunter") for my husband this next winter.  I do not want him to go to the trainer for lessons on how retrievers are to be.  I know they make good hunting dogs, but Jaeger is pretty tender hearted and will cringe at a stern look.  Leave it to us to pick out the mama's boy of the litter!

Well, that's our update since Jaeger's Birthday!  Happy Spring Everyone!

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